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in T20 by Q&A Engineer (11.2k points)

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by Q&A Engineer (11.2k points) 1 flag

byte[] ultraigh_pwd_auth(byte noBlock, byte[] pwd)

byte[] ultraigh_read_page(byte noBlock)

void ultraigh_write_page(byte noBlock, byte[] inBuf, int inLen)

you can use above 3 to access ultralight card.

if you want to use APDU  , you can use this.

byte[] transmit(byte[] sendBuffer, int sendBufferLength)
by Q&A Freshman (102 points)
0 0
Hello, but this method:

byte[] transmit(byte[] sendBuffer, int sendBufferLength)

triggers errors, because i also tried a quick read using 0x30, but there was no luck.
If there is any sample code of how to send and decode the low level commands. It would be a great help.

by Q&A Engineer (5.3k points)
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Please check the tenth point of the official document: MIFARE Ultralight EV1
by Q&A Freshman (102 points)
0 0
Yeah, Thanks for pointer,
I have been using the 10th point to send the command. I have tried with the GET_VERSION commmand (0x60) but I keep getting the error: cpu_transmit return error code = -1009
and com.common.apiutil.CommonException.

How can I go about this error:


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