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in UnCategory by Q&A Freshman (102 points)
I want to develop an application which takes user's fingerprint, photo and other necessary information. I have TSP450 and S8 machine, I started to write the application according to your shared demos and user guides. However, mUsbManager.getDeviceList() returns 0, I think it should not return 0, cause there has fingerprint module in it. I understood that we connect with fingerprint module via USB interface, so it is necessary to get the device list and device. If I am wrong, please enlighten me. By the way, some of the shared .apk did not work. Just Bio Mini Sample app(104641_fingerprintbiominisample-v2.1.0.343.apk) worked in the tablet. Also, can you share more detailed userguide or bio mini sample source code?

Thank you.

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1 Answer

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by Q&A Engineer (5.1k points)
Hi, what is the device SN, please kindly try to use the demo apk to power on iris and fp sensor, and then call mUsbManager.getDeviceList().

(BioMiniSDK for Android_v2.1.0.343.zip) https://we.tl/t-CwPNBFw6Nn

The link is available for only 7 days

Thank you

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